We are here for one reason and that is to LET YOUR CREATIVITY FLOW.
Ultrawide the original artist's marker, also known as the "4 finger" is a
high quality refillable marker popularized in the 70’s through the
early 90’s by street artists until dramatically disappearing from store
The resurrection has now occurred. No other marker can compare to the
Ultrawide "4 finger" or his smaller yet equally amazing version known as
the MiniWide "2 finger".
Both, the Mini-Wide and the Ultra-Wide
are extraordinary permanent markers from the 1970/80s. The Ultra-Wide
was always a bit to dry, no matter how many ink I put inside. But well, I
didn´t used Flomaster and at the stage I got the first Ultra-Wide, I
had no idea of using paint thinner or solvent to make the marker flow…
With the Mini-Wide I had better experiences. Used them with alcohol
based Copic ink only and the Mini-Wides are definitely one of the best
markers I have.
Mini-Wide Refillable Marker
The Mini-Wide is certainly one of the classic tag-markers. Especially those who are familiar with graffiti and the film Wild Style might recall the scene in which “Zoro” (played by New York graffiti artist Lee) tagged some door (or whatever it was)…
The flat shape of this marker is rather
unusual, and as far as I know the pen was actually a kind of layout
marker (the Copic Wide has a flat shape too and it seems to be the new
version of the Mini-Wide). Both markers, the Mini-Wide and Ultra-Wide,
were produced in Japan and distributed in the U.S. by the WESCOSA INC.
(“Ultra-Wide” and “Mini-Wide Refillable Marker”) and by HK Holbein
Artist Materials (“Illust marker”). The width of the Mini-Wide is about
21 mm wide; the nib is made of felt (different to the extremely stiff
synthetic nib of the modern Copic Wide).
To fill/refill the marker – it was always
sold empty in the local hip hop stores – one must first pull the nib
out of the marker. In the inside is a thin plastic tube through which
the ink will get into the wadding filling of the marker … that was
usually quite a mess, because the ink quickly spilled over and then

Ultra-Wide Refillable Marker
The Ultra-Wide has the same flat shape
like the Mini-Wide. The line width is approximately 38 mm. |

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